It's not like I can protect this or make money off of it, nor do I have the money to produce it, but for the record, in case my idea takes off you'll know you heard it here first: The "Republican Infomercial" Idea.
Check out this idea my good friend and I formulated. The reason I'm telling you is because people have mentioned that there are hundreds of political ads that could speak to the truth of Obama and the lies that has has told.
So at night we've all seen these informercials, right? The 30 minute TV shows that are in fact commercials? So here's my idea, which I have sent to the RNC, and Reince Preibus the Chairman.
In a parody of the title of Bill Maher's show 'Real Time With Bill Maher', we call this "show" 'Real Truth with Sarah Palin.' It's a talk show. Nice stage, desk, the whole thing. House band is Gary Sinese's Lt. Dan Band. Rockin' theme song, and Sarah comes out, delivers a little monologue with a couple of jokes at the expense of Obama, and then she brings out a guest. Could be anyone - one of the guys from Breitbart or Real Clear Politics, and they play some claims by Obama, and refute them with the real information.
You take a break, but it's an informercial, so the break is really a 60 second ad for the website that publishes all of this truth vs. Obama's lies that are covered on 'Real Truth with Sarah Palin'. We come back, Lt. Dan Band is rocking the house, Sarah says 'welcome back, we have...' and it's maybe someone from the Tea Party or a Super PAC, and they talk again about specifics - what Obama said, and what the truth is. Obama said he would cut the deficit in HALF during his first term in office, and the deficit has spiraled out of control. Like you said, there are hundreds of such examples.
At the end of the half hour Sarah says, "we'll be back next time with much more! Don't miss the next episode!" and there are a series of these infomercials. The RNC and/or super PACs will have to buy time and get these "shows" on television, after 1130pm or so, and people WILL watch them. Conservatives of course but liberals too because they will want to talk about what a dunce Sarah is.
And most important, this will cause a huge earthquake in liberal talk show land! The TV pundits and hosts on CNN and MSNBC will go nuts - trying to control the damage. And by doing so they'll bring more attention to the shows on TV. The episodes of "Real Truth with Sarah Palin" will be available on the "Real Truth" website, along with all of the links and data that was talked about on any given show.
Also, these infomercials will be on Youtube where anyone and everyone can see them and spread them around anytime. Every two or three weeks, another episode is released with more documentation of what Obama has said, and what he actually did. One lie after another.
It doesn't have to be fancy, but professional looking. Has to have great sound, great high definition presentation. And the band has to rock because it can't be just some crap that people laugh at. It has to be great music. That alone will piss off the left. And it almost has to be Sarah Palin hosting the show. Instantly recognizable and instantly LOVED by the right, and instantly HATED by the left. The liberals would not be able to look away!
And that would be a game changer over the three or four months before the election. Remember, you read it here first.