Sunday, November 7, 2010

• Economic 'Easing'

I sent this article, an excellent write up on Fed Chairman Bernanke's continued and now downright scary Quantitative Easing, to Michael Stollaire.

He was kind enough to forward the following to me. Enjoy...

Check out Jesse Ventura (former independent Minnesota Governor) and "Conspiracy Theory" on TruTV:

I watch it for the entertainment value, if anything, but check out the most recent episode about Wall Street, and the Rolling Stone article that's mentioned in it:

"Wall Street's Naked Swindle"

Between these two sources, you can see why The Fed has corrupted the American political system, and YES, I do agree that "Quantitative Easing" is simply an unsaid tax on the American people, as if $1 Trillion is printed, this means The Fed bought $1 Trillion in debt. Therefore, if $10 Trillion is in circulation, this created a 10% tax hike, and since The Fed is above the law, and outside the control of the US Government, the system of checks and balances created by The Founders, in order to protect We The People from thieves like Paulson, Geithner and Bernanke, etc. is completely avoided.

I believe that the most powerful person in the world is NOT The President of the USA, but instead THE CHAIRMAN OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE.

I would highly suggest watching the Zeitgeist films:

The stock market simply cannot grow in a linear fashion, and as such, it is necessary for "corrections" to transpire that purposefully decimate the market, meaning the DJIA, NASDAQ, etc. After Bear Stears went bankrupt, the DJIA went from 11000+ to around 6500 points, and now, we are back up to over 11000 points. Now, you can see how Wall Street just doubled-down on their money.

What do we do about it? We need representives in government positions that will crack down on Wall Street, instead of idiots like the Clintons who dismantle laws and regulations like Glass-Steagal (SP?) that prevent disasters like the housing bubble, and so forth.

Trump was on Fox and VanSusteren recently, saying the same thing, that we should not put up with price-fixing of OPEC, which would land Americans in federal prison, and China stealing our wealth, because we create bubbles, instead of MANUFACTURING EXCELLENT PRODUCTS. I really hate Trump, just like I think Ron Paul is a complete weirdo, but you can't argue with them about The Fed being poison, and what America needs to do to regain it's #1 economic status.

The truth is that we are only manufacturing "vapor paper" bubbles: the dot-com internet bubble, the housing bubble, and just wait until the $1.5 Quadrillion derivatives bubble bursts. Yes, that's $1,500,000,000,000,000 ~ a very big number, indeed. For America to survive, we need to manufacture and distribute TANGIBLE GOODS, and not rely on the technology sector to crank out more widgets like the iPad, etc.

Currently, we've got so much corruption in DC that when former Goldman employee, Paulson, says that he needs $800 Billion or America dies, they just do it, with no questions asked, no accountability, and the money just goes into the hands of bankrupt institutions like AIG, Goldman gets 100 cents on the dollar, and billions in bonuses are paid out. It's like playing roulette in Vegas, except you can bet on the double-zero all night, with no accountability, because the house pays you back every time you lose.

I think we've got a minimum of 3-4 election cycles that have to consecutively elect individuals like Rubio and Rand Paul for us to even have the slightest chance of recovery.

--Michael Stollaire

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